Information Projects for the third Millennium
Exponential Technologies for a Sustainable Human Development
Our Services

Startup Development
From the idea to the prototype, to the product, to the entreprise ...
Precise, Efficient and Agile Results.

Digital Transformation
Expert advice for transformation of products, processes and company culture

Digital Content Creation
Your valuable data converted into unique digital content that works for you, for your clients and for your team.
Technologies we master

Internet and Cloud Technologies
The basic information technologies that converted the planet into a single organism with interconnected smart cities and citizens, sharing information and knowledge.

Exponential Technologies
From Big Data to Artificial Intelligence. Drones, Bots, Autonomous Vehicles, Blockchain, Internet of things, Extended Reality, Digital Identification, Cybersecurity ...

Time-Spatial Technologies
When and Where the most frequent questions for any process solved with up to date technologies of mapping and time registration systems.
Industries we have worked with

Human and Earth activities
Health, Education, Agriculture, Housing, Fashion, Transportation, Art, Entertainment, Tourism, ...

Engineering Activities
Civil, Mechanical, Industrial, Electric and Electronic, Computer Science, Public Utilities, Mining, Oil and Gas, ...

Economic Activities
Finance, Insurance, Commerce, Trading, Real Estate, Government, Employment, ...
Some Projects, Products and Startups
A Digital platform to create, publish and enjoy touristic experiences with Augmented Reality and geo referenced Audio Tours.
Being used during Dubai World Expo 2020 for promotion of Colombian Macro Regions by ProColombia
A complementary tool of CityScan for easy edition of digital tours developed during program Transforma Bogota 4.0 by FITIC

A Digital platform for maintenance, training and risk detection of working areas in factories and work fields using Augmented Reality and Audio guides

A prototype project developed for Ecopetrol contest in alliance with Softmanagement

A digital platform for image projection of faces with beauty and fitness treatments using AI (artificial intelligence) computer vision (image analysis and synthesis) Developed for program Retos 4.0 of MinTIC

A digital platform to publish, buy, lease or sell real estate properties with Augmented Reality and Audio Guides.
Include the management of properties, real estate agencies and certifications for realtors

A prototype project developed in a program for economic activation after pandemics by Connect Bogotá Region
A digital application to explore the complete birds species found in one of the best countries for bird watching: Colombia
Avifauna Colombiana
An expert book created by known author Fernando Ayerbe Quiñones