Info Projects Terms and Conditions & Privacy Policy

Who we are

Info Projects is an expert group of expert consultants and engineers!
We design, build and operate modern software solutions applying appropriate information technologies.

Our Mission: Create great sustainable and modern information solutions for each customer situation using the best available and efficient technologies.

Our Values: Offer the best value and return on investment for our customers with integrity, knowledge, experience and dedicated work.



Thank you for visiting InfoProjects. We appreciate your interest in our products and services and welcome you. Please read these Terms and Conditions of use carefully so that you understand the purpose, scope of the site/App and rules on accessing and managing it. By using and/or accessing any section of the InfoProjects website, services operated by Info Projects, it is considered that you, from now on “User”, are obliged to comply with (i) these Terms and Conditions, (ii) our Personal Data Treatment Policy and (iii) our Cookies Policy. It is understood that the user has accepted and understood all the terms and conditions, privacy policy and cookies from the moment they enter and register in InfoProjects. Read all the general conditions carefully, if you decide not to accept them, do not enter the mobile application and/or its website.

Service access requirements: You may access and use this Site/App if you are of legal age in accordance with applicable laws. Additionally, the user declares that he has the physical and mental capacity to access the service. If you are not of legal age or do not have the legal authorizations and capacity required to access and use this service, Site/App, please refrain from using InfoProjects services.

Cancellation and/or suspension of account. InfoProjects reserves the right, at any time and at its sole discretion, to i) refuse to open an Account and/or close or suspend an existing Account without giving any reason; ii) transfer or license, without prior notification, the data relating to the user to any legal entity, in any country, always ensuring that said data is transferred and managed in accordance with current legislation, data protection laws or other similar regulations . Likewise, InfoProjects reserves the right to iii) suspend and/or terminate a user’s account if it considers that there are reasonable grounds to believe that an Account is being used, has been used, or may be used for illegal, fraudulent, dishonest, or if any provision of these Terms and Conditions has been violated.

InfoProjects Obligations. InfoProjects is obligated and committed at all times and during the operation of the website and/or mobile application to: i) administer and manage the logical, operational and programming support for access to user registration accounts, ii ) allow access to the different tools of InfoProjects depending on the type of service that each user has chosen to use, iii) provide maintenance to the mobile application and / or website of InfoProjects when they require it and iv) provide support and assistance to the users about the use of all the utilities provided by InfoProjects.

Use of the Website or Mobile Application: The access and entry to this Site/App implies that you have accepted that the use that you will make of this Site/App, its Contents and the information contained in it, will have legitimate and legal purposes, and will be done in compliance with these terms and conditions and with any and all applicable laws. Among other considerations, you agree that you will not use this Site/App, its Contents or the information contained therein, to: (a) transmit to third parties or in any way publish information that is false, harmful, hostile, abusive, irritating, problematic , threatening, tortuous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, pornographic, unfounded, hateful or harmful, or for which due legal or contractual authorizations are not available; (b) cause harm to minors or promote or cause physical or material damage to any person or group of natural and legal persons, or to animals; (c) use the identity or personal information of persons (natural or legal) mentioned on the Site, for any purpose or purpose; (d) transmit or broadcast material that contains computer viruses or any other code, computer program or application designed to interrupt, destroy, restrict or impair the functionality of computers, computer programs, information systems, telecommunications networks or infrastructure and services from third parties; (e) intentionally or unintentionally violate or breach any applicable national, local, state or international law, including but not limited to privacy and data protection regulations; (f) collect, save and manage personal data on natural and legal persons without the corresponding authorization and in breach of applicable laws; (g) execute, plan, set up, structure or carry out practices or activities of a criminal nature; (h) infringe the intellectual property rights of InfoProjects or third parties, among other harmful conduct of third parties or applicable laws; i) alter, consolidate, modify, adapt, decompile, disassemble or reduce the content, services, tools or utilities of InfoProjects unless otherwise agreed; j) contravene the good image and reputation of InfoProjects.

Non-interference: The user is prohibited from any act, including the use of hardware and software, that has the object or effect of damaging, interfering, affecting the integrity, or interception of the systems that support this Site/App , its operation or the Contents. Acts that impose unreasonable or disproportionate loads on the Site/App’s network systems or any other network infrastructure used by the Site/App are prohibited.

Duty to report errors. It is illegal to use and/or take advantage of the errors or vulnerabilities of the Site/App and/or any Software and/or Service provided by InfoProjects. If the user detects or becomes aware of any error or vulnerability on the site i) will refrain from taking advantage of them in any way; ii) will keep such error or vulnerability strictly confidential and must iii) notify InfoProjects about the error found through the sending an email to the customer service address. Without prejudice to other remedies available under the law or the principle of equity, if the user does not respect this clause, InfoProjects will be entitled to full compensation for all costs that may be due to the error or vulnerability and for damages resulting from the breach of this clause by the user.

Links to Third Party Sites: Some of the Websites linked or linked to the Site/App are not operated, controlled or administered by InfoProjects, and InfoProjects is not responsible for the availability, content, policies, practices, security and goods and services stated or promoted on such Websites, including their privacy policies and terms and conditions of use. Any link or link made on the Site/App to third-party websites does not constitute sponsorship, shelter, protection, defense, guarantee, guardianship, support or sponsorship by InfoProjects on the content, policies, information, services or such practices

Information and content from third parties: The Site may reproduce or contain information from third parties who do not work, nor are they linked in any way to InfoProjects. Therefore, InfoProjects is not in a position to verify the veracity of such information.

Advertising and access to third-party services: Any communication, negotiations, agreements or pre-agreements, participation in promotions, and any other type of relationship that you carry out directly with third parties through the Site/App, including any type of payment or agreement on goods and services, and any other terms, conditions, warranties or statements associated with third party products and services, constitutes an existing agreement exclusively between you and said third party, without InfoProjects having any type of participation, responsibility or interference in said relationship.

No representations or warranties: The user of the Site/App acknowledges that the Site/App may be unavailable due to a number of factors, including but not limited to acts of God, unauthorized access, computer viruses, denial of service and others. attacks, technical failures of the server, failures in the telecommunications infrastructure or discontinuity. InfoProjects expressly disclaims any express or implied warranty regarding the use of the Site/App and/or the availability, accessibility, security, performance, or error-free operation thereof. InfoProjects denies and rejects any guarantee on the correction of defects that this Site/App and its Contents may have, or on the non-existence of harmful or damaging technical or technological components.

Additionally, the user of InfoProjects knows and accepts that the accuracy of the location data will depend on the quality of the user’s mobile device, geographic location, GPS and internet connectivity. The availability of the operation of the site / app will depend on the device, its level of energy charge, its operational system, connectivity to GPS or internet, availability and access to the camera, geographic location and the availability of the platform of the provider of hosting and execution services “in the cloud”. Thus, the company will not be able to answer for a specific operation availability, but will only provide the service with the location ranges that are provided in the industry.

No liability for claims or damages: As a user of the Site/App, you assume your own risk when accessing and using it, including personal risk and that of your property and those of third parties that may arise from knowing, using, sharing or downloading any Content. or information provided on this Site/App or otherwise obtained by you through this Site/App. As a user of the Site/App, you will be solely responsible for the damages that access to the Site/App may cause to the information and communication systems that you use to access it, including damages due to computer viruses.

InfoProjects does not recognise or accept any responsibility for damages and/or losses to a user and/or a third party caused directly and/or indirectly by reasons of failure of the InfoProjects central computer system or any of its components; delays, losses, errors or omissions derived from the failure of any telecommunications system or any other data transmission system and/or suspensions of the provision of the Services of our Site/App caused by technical or operational failures beyond our control, nor from those that are beyond our control such as power outages, computer attacks, failures in equipment or computer programs, or in general due to events of force majeure or acts of God. If the user’s participation in the Services is interrupted by a failure in the user’s telecommunications system or computer system that prevents the user from continuing to use the Services, InfoProjects will adopt all reasonable and possible measures to ensure that its computer system allows the user to resume your participation in the Services as it was immediately prior to the interruption.

Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights: All content, elements and information on this Site/App, including all text, format, images, music, brands, logos, banners, trade names, sounds, graphics, videos, animation, and other materials of this Site (the “Contents”) are the property of InfoProjects, its subsidiaries and affiliates and controllers, and those of third party contractors, licensors or assignors that correspond. Some of the Contents are protected by industrial and intellectual property laws. Any unauthorized use of the Contents of the Site/App that violates the industrial property and intellectual property rights of InfoProjects or third parties, may imply the initiation of the corresponding legal actions by the rights holders. Access to or use of this Site/App will not imply in any way the granting or denial of any license, grant or right to use any of the brands, names, logos, designs or Content protected by the intellectual or industrial property right of InfoProjects or any third party, as appropriate.

Interpretation: If any section or part of these terms and conditions is unenforceable or invalid, in whole or in part, under any law, or is ruled as such by court decision, such part shall be construed in accordance with applicable law. and its unenforceability or invalidity shall not render these terms and conditions in general and any remaining provisions or portions thereof unenforceable or invalid or ineffective in their entirety. In such an event, the provisions will be changed and interpreted in such a way as to best achieve the objectives of such unenforceable or invalid provisions, within the limits of applicable law.

Modifications: These terms and conditions may change, therefore InfoProjects reserves the right to modify, change or terminate these terms and conditions at any time and at its sole discretion, without prior notice to you. InfoProjects advises you that it is your duty to visit this page regularly to be aware of any changes. InfoProjects also reserves the right to terminate the Site/App or any portion thereof, at any time, in its sole discretion, and without notice to you personally.

Modifications by the user: No section of these terms and conditions may be modified, deleted or added by the user of the Site / App unilaterally.

Claims and disputes. If a user wishes to file a complaint or claim, they must do so before the InfoProjects Customer Service indicated in the Site/App section. The claim must clearly and unequivocally state the identity of the user and the reason for the claim. Likewise, the user must attach the documentary support that evidences the reason for the claim or complaint. InfoProjects will immediately study any claim submitted and will refer it to the regulatory body if necessary. InfoProjects will respond to the claim and communicate the decision to the user within 15 business days following the filing of the complaint.

Executive Merit. In case of non-compliance with any provision of these terms and conditions, this document provides executive merit in the development of the respective legal action.

Scope of the Site and applicable law: InfoProjects will operate internationally, therefore these terms and conditions will be interpreted and executed exclusively in accordance with the applicable regulations.



InfoProjects collects information about you when you use our mobile applications, websites and other online products and services (collectively, the “Services”) and through other interactions and communications you have with us. The Services are provided by InfoProjects and this Privacy Statement applies to the information collected and used by us within the framework of the purpose indicated in the “Terms and Conditions” section.

Scope and application: This Privacy Statement (“Statement”) applies to people anywhere in the world who use our applications and our private service that allows transient users to identify the position, orientation and display of proprietary information of sites registered, classified and located in a defined spatial radius. This Statement applies to information we collect from or about users who access our website and mobile applications. If you interact with the Services as a User, customer or visitor to the website and its applications, the respective privacy statements will apply to your different interactions.

Information Collection: We collect information that you provide directly to us, such as when you create or modify your account, request on-demand services, contact customer support, or otherwise communicate with us. This information may include: name, email, gender, phone number, mailing address, profile picture, payment method, delivery notes, and other information you choose to provide.

Use of information: With the entry, registration and use of InfoProjects, the user expressly and unequivocally accepts the Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy and Declaration set forth in this section and the Cookies Policy. InfoProjects will store, collect, process and may share the user’s personal data for the following purposes or for: i) legal and regulatory reasons; ii) for reasons of identification and/or authentication; iii) for marketing reasons iv) to implement experimental machine learning processes. v) to provide, maintain, and improve our Services, develop new features, provide customer support to Users, develop security features, authenticate users, and send product updates and administrative messages; vi) perform internal operations, such as preventing fraud and abuse of our Services; fix software bugs and malfunctions; carry out data analysis, testing and research; and monitor and analyze usage and activity trends; vii) send you communications that we think will be of interest to you, including information about the products, services, promotions, news and events of InfoProjects and/or other companies that do business with us, and when permitted and in accordance with applicable local laws ; viii) customize and improve the Services, including by providing or recommending features, content, social connections, referrals, and advertisements.

We may transfer the information described in this Statement to, and process and store it in the United States and other countries, some of which may have less protective data protection laws than the region in which you reside. Where this is the case, we will take appropriate steps to protect your personal information in accordance with this Statement.

Place of processing of Information and personal data: The user accepts that those responsible and in charge of the processing of their personal data are both InfoProjects and Amazon Web Services, a company with servers located at … and with email …. InfoProjects refrains from disclosing the user’s personal data to legal or natural persons other than the previous company, except as provided in the information use section

Compliance with applicable regulations: InfoProjects complies with the Data Protection Law and other relevant regulations, legal provisions and/or similar instruments in force in the Place of Contract. All of the above in order to ensure that the personal data of users, at all times i) are processed in accordance with the rights of the user in question in a fair and legitimate manner; ii) are obtained only for a specific and legitimate purpose; iii) are adequate, relevant and not excessive for their purpose; iv) are stored in a secure manner; v) they are not stored for longer than necessary for their purpose; vi) are not transferred to jurisdictions that do not adhere to the directives mentioned here.

InfoProjects will disclose the personal data, any other information and the records of any user when so required by a Competent Authority and/or in compliance with any legal provision included in current local legislation. For the purposes of fraud detection and control, the user accepts that InfoProjects has the right to provide their personal data to third parties, including but not limited to, the so-called service providers, Payment Solution Providers and Financial Institutions. Similarly, the user has the right to access their own personal data, correct them and/or delete incorrect and/or inappropriate data.

Rights of users and clients: Within the framework of the service provided by InfoProjects, we guarantee that the owners of the data and information that we process can at all times: i) know, update and rectify your personal data; ii) submit requests to us regarding the use that has been given to your personal data. iii) revoke the authorization and/or request the deletion of the data when the principles, rights and guarantees in this Policy are not respected in the treatment. The request to delete the information and the revocation of the authorization will not proceed when the owner has a legal or contractual duty to remain in the database or when we have a legal or contractual duty to continue with the treatment. iv) Request access and free access to your personal data that have been processed.

InfoProjects’ duties regarding the processing of information and personal data: InfoProjects, as responsible for the processing of information and personal data, undertakes to: i) guarantee the owner, at all times, the full and effective exercise of the right of habeas data, to consult and make claims about your information; ii) request and keep a copy of the respective authorization granted by the owner; iii) duly inform the owner about the purpose of collecting information and the rights that assist him by virtue of the authorization granted; iv) keep the information under the security conditions necessary to prevent its adulteration, loss, consultation, use or unauthorized or fraudulent access; v) update the information, thus attending to all the news regarding the owner’s data. Additionally, all necessary measures must be implemented so that the information is kept updated; vi) rectify the information when it is incorrect and communicate what is pertinent; vii) respect the security and privacy conditions of the owner’s information; viii) process queries and claims made under the terms in accordance with this Policy; ix) we will use the personal data of the owner only for those purposes for which we have been authorized and respecting in any case the current regulations of the different jurisdictions regarding the protection of personal data.



With the acceptance of the terms and conditions of InfoProjects, its policy and privacy statement and by the very fact of using the Service, the user accepts that InfoProjects uses cookies to: i) identify the user’s preferred language in order to be able to select it automatically when you return to the Website; ii) analyze the traffic of the Website so that InfoProjects can make the appropriate improvements. iii) we do not use for marketing purposes. Please note that the Website cannot be used without cookies. If you require additional information about the use that InfoProjects makes of cookies, write to customer service by email

Thank you for reading our Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. We hope you enjoy InfoProjects services and products.


Service Provider

Info Projects SAS

NIT: 900.947.718-9

Postal Address: Carrera 18 No. 120-41, Bogotá DC, Colombia